
Healthcare Savings with Dr. Deanna Carol Smith

Healthcare Cost Reduction Formula Coaching

My Healthcare Cost Reduction Formula has helped people save money, prevent over-payment of healthcare services, and have access to denied medical treatments.  My Healthcare Cost Reduction Formula uses 3 methods in saving on healthcare costs. If you or anyone you know would like to learn more on how I can help you save money on healthcare cost, you can schedule a FREE 20-minute discovery call to see if we are a good fit to work together.  Click Here to schedule a 20 minute Consultation. 

Whether you are on a journey to better health, have a chronic illness, or are faced with unaffordable medical expenses,   I would love to help you by helping save money along the way.  I am currently taking applications.  You can apply for my 1:1 Healthcare Reduction Coaching Program by Clicking Here to apply.

Check out some of the mini-webinars below to learn more about reducing healthcare costs!